About Bryan Lindenberger

I am a writer who started in fiction and for the past fifteen years have worked on grants and marketing and communications projects.

Central Florida Wildflowers: Identification Field Guide

Identify Florida Wildflowers in North Central Florida The Central Florida Wildflower Guide provides identification of over 60 Florida wildflowers. Plus, the region spanned includes Alachua, Clay, Marion, and Putnam Counties! Intended as a field guide, the page loads fast with flowers categorized by color. But you may already use an app as PlantSnap. Even [...]

By |2021-08-08T10:30:17-06:00August 8th, 2021|Live Florida Beauty|Comments Off on Central Florida Wildflowers: Identification Field Guide

Butterfly and Bug and Insect Identification – North Central Florida

New page added to bryanberg.net for identifying butterflies and other insects and bugs in North Central Florida. There are many great pages around the web for identifying butterflies, insects, spiders...anything! Pipevine Swallowtail is a dark butterfly with gray or black forewings and darky dusky blue hindwings with white spots What I have [...]

By |2020-10-03T11:51:53-06:00October 3rd, 2020|Live Florida Beauty|0 Comments