Academic and Technical Writing, Editing
Grants, Research, and Academic Reports Written as Staff and by Contract
Letter of Intent, National Science Foundation I-Corps Program
College of Education, New Mexico State University (NMSU) Staff
While I was officially hired by the College of Education, my background made me ideal to work with the Colleges of Business, Engineering, and others in highly collaborative efforts. This is the executive summary that led to a winning a competitive I-Corps grant – I believe the only one awarded to a College of Ed. that year.
Rhetorical Methods in Pericles’ Funeral Oration: A Rhetorical Analysis
Master of Rhetoric and Communications Program at NMSU
An unusual inclusion since this document is not a grant I wrote for funding, it’s not “science-y” or businessy. But it is my most popular page at the old website, every month and most weeks, for six years running. Ancient Greek history is an interest of mine, and the classical rhetoricians have a lot to offer for those truly interested in public relations. Greek Rhetorical History.
Letter of Intent – NASA EPOESS Program
College of Education, NMSU Staff
Sample of a letter of intent for a grant team at New Mexico State University, collaborating with other colleges from the College of Education. This collaborative grant project included several science departments and colleges, which I pulled together from the College of Education with support from the dean and assistant dean for research, Karin Wiburg.
Value Added Modeling – Report for New Mexico State Senators
College of Education, NMSU Staff
One of several research reports on the topic of education to affect policy and public relations for clients who supported but were not directly affiliated with New Mexico State University. Others included the Bridge of Southern New Mexico (which also contracted me privately) and the Community Action Agency for Southern New Mexico (awarded Kellogg Foundation grant sub-contract).
Hospice Marketing Study
Qualitative and Quantitative Survey Development, Analysis, Coding
Arrowhead Entrepreneurial Institute, NMSU, and Small Business Administration (SBA) of New Mexico
I served as the first Communications Officer at the Arrowhead Entrepreneurial Institute. Former governor and now NMSU president Garrey Carruthers served as the CEO. Here, the client information and conclusions are proprietary and thus redacted. I provide it as a sample of my marketing research approach in working with MBAs, researchers, and clients, showing that qualitative data gathering can yield empirical results with a major impact on marketing, communications, and public relations strategy.
Research and Service Grant Writing Template with Samples (PDF)
An early project at the College of Education at New Mexico State University was creating an online guide to assist with writing research and service grant proposals for post-secondary education. Includes samples text from successful grants. That guide here appears in PDF form and is as useful today as when it trended from 2009-2014.
Implied versus Overt Threat of Force
Rhetorical analysis of Brasidas’ speech before the Acanthians, Greek Classical History, of political and public relations interest today
Rhetorical Analysis: Metaphor in President Dwight Eisenhower’s Farewell Address
Short exploration of how public speakers may use metaphor – commonly considered an abstraction – to lend concreteness and immediacy to complex ideas.
Rhetorical Values and Means in the Digenis Akritas
Rhetorical analysis of one of my favorite works. Rhetorical History, Communications, Marketing, PR, Byzantine, Greek, Roman
Review of Conquest of Abundance by Paul Feyerabend
Cheeky rhetorical criticism of the work while obtaining my M.A. in Professional Communications, and something I miss about the scholarly life or working within it
Other technical work includes
- Technical writing and editing for Inertial Property Algorithm Validation project (PDF) and Test Equipment Development Package (PDF) for NASA / NMSU / Flying Aggies project
- Entrepreneurial workbook selections (PDF) for the Arrowhead Entrepreneurial Institute at NMSU
- A great deal of other work for Arrowhead Institute, grant writing and reports for a National Science Foundation STEM outreach program at NMSU, College of Education and Civil Engineering at NMSU, Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico, Bridge of Southern New Mexico, Disney Television, Hypothesis Group and others. Much of this work is proprietary and cannot be shared online, but I can discuss my contributions and accomplishments in certain detail with interested parties